Authenticity of reviews

WireStyle takes a firm stance against fake reviews and does not encourage anyone to submit false reviews. In addition, we take measures to ensure the authenticity of reviews. These differ depending on the source of the reviews. All reviews are recorded by external service providers and are only displayed on our website, but their content cannot be changed by us.

Reviews from Trustpilot

Trustpilot sends post-purchase review requests to customers to ensure they only reflect genuine purchase experiences. For reviews submitted without an invitation email, Trustpilot may require proof of purchase. Trustpilot provides more information here: How reviews work

WireStyle's reviews can be found here: Reviews on Trustpilot

Reviews from Google

All users can submit reviews on Google; Google does not check in advance whether a product has been purchased. If we notice incorrect reviews, we will have them deleted. If you notice incorrect reviews, please report them via the contact form or via chat.

WireStyle reviews can be found here: Reviews on Google