Delivery time and shipping

All string art pictures are produced in 🇩🇪Germany and shipped from 🇩🇪Germany.

Production time

Standard production: approx. 8 working days

Express production: approx. 3 working days

The binding shipping date is calculated by the configurator and displayed on the order button: Open the configurator
This date changes when you activate express production!

Shipping date means that we will send out your picture on this day at the latest. The transit time depends on the place of receipt.

Import / customs clearance

When shipping to countries outside the EU (European Union), customs duties may be charged upon import by the local customs authorities.

For customs clearance, we attach the “Customs Contents Declaration C23” specified by DHL and the invoice in duplicate to the outside of the package. The export description for customs is: String-Art Picture, HS code 9701.99

The customs of the importing country may charge duties, taxes and fees upon import, which must be paid by the customer. The same applies to handling fees charged by the shipping service provider. We recommend checking with your customs or tax authorities for details before ordering.

Customs may delay the import process, we assume no responsibility for this.

Delivery time and costs

Parcel runtime

DHL offers an overview of shipping times for each country: Link to DHL
International parcels are sent as DHL Paket International Premium .

Shipping costs

🇩🇪 Germany: 6.90 euros
🇪🇺 European Union: 19.90 euros
🇨🇭Switzerland: 24.90 euros
🇬🇧 United Kingdom: 26.90 euros
🇳🇴 Norway: 29.90 euros
🇮🇸 Iceland: 29.90 euros
🇰🇬 Kyrgyzstan: 57.90 euros
🇵🇭 Philippines: 57.90 euros
🇺🇸 US: 62.90 USD
🇦🇪 United Arab Emirates: 57.90 euros
🇨🇷 Costa Rica: 71.90 euros
🇦🇺 Australia: 71.90 euros
🇳🇿 New Zealand: 71.90 euros

In some countries, shipping costs increase for heavy parcels. The applicable price will be determined at the checkout.

Please contact us if your desired country does not appear in the list.


We send vouchers by email immediately after purchase. Therefore, there are no shipping costs.